DAV Centenary Public School, Bahadurgarh

Sector-6, Bahadurgarh, Haryana-124507, Affiliation No. - 530073, School No. - 04105

Admission Procedure  

The Registration forms for admission to all classes will be available from school office along with the prospectus. The duly filled in form must be deposited at the school office.

Age requirement (as on 1st April)

Pre-Nursery : 2.5+  years                      Nursery : 3+  years             LKG : 4+ Years                        UKG : 5+ Years                              I : 6+ years

The registered candidates will be called for entrance test. Registration fee is not refundable and registration is no guarantee for admission.



Fee can be deposited through card/cash/cheque or online also by visiting the school website online fee portal on the website only by providing Admission No as User ID and DOB( without gap) as password .
 Fee must be deposited between Ist to 10th of every month  but in the month of Feb & May two month fee i.e Feb & March in the month of Feb. and May & June in the month of May will be charged.
 A late fee fine of Rs 50/- will be levied after the 10th of the current month.
 Fee once paid will not refundable neither transferable . 
Transport fee will be charged along with Monthly Fee only. 
School will charge monthly fee for 11 months except the month of June only. 
Transport Facility once taken can not withdrawn during the session.
Rs. 200/- will be charged for the School Leaving Certificate.


Entrance Test:-

Admission is on the basis of written test and personal interview alongwith parents. Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit. Students offered admission must complete the following formalities before joining or the offer will stand cancelled.

  • Submission of the evidence of Date of Birth Certificate.
  • Evidence of passing the last class or promotion to present class.
  • Copy of Aadhar card



  • Parents may meet the principal, if desired, with prior appointment only, on any working day, from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
  • Anything urgent may be communicated to the school telephonically. 
Contact Us ↓

DAV Centenary Public School, Bahadurgarh
Sector-6, Bahadurgarh, Haryana-124507
Affiliation No. - 530073, School No. - 04105
School Blog: davbahadurgarh.blogspot.in
Phone: 72060-40390, 72066-35850
E-Mail: davbahadurgarh85@gmail.com

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